Major Precautions you have to take after Root Canal Treatment
Hello Everyone.
I will tell you what precautions you have to take after underwent root canal treatment. After the root canal, you will have numbness for 2 to 3 hours. During numbness you don’t eat chewable things, take a liquid diet. After surpassing Root canal treatment avoid food from that side where it has be done because we do temporary filling after that. There would be high chances of tooth fracture & likely be chances of infection if you eat something from that side. After undergoing root canal treatment there is tenderness exist in the tooth generally it is a normal process because your body gradually comes up in natural living process. After root canal you may face tenderness in your jaw after slowly it may get over after sometime.
After undergoing root canal, gargle with hot water 2 to 3 times a day for 3 to 4 days. You have to contact doctor after doing a root canal, or when you have to come hospital for meet.
If you have an allergy from medicines, then immediately visit your dentist. After undergoing treatment you felt swelling inside or outside of your mouth then visit your dentist. If you face any severe problem after treatment then consult with your doctor. If you have any problem regarding treatment or any discomfort then feel free to contact us.
Thank You
Book an appointment regarding oral health care:-
Dr. Lalit Garg
Dr. Priyanka Garg
(MDS Pediatric Dentist (kids dentist))