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Hate Flossing? These 7 Things will Change your Mind

January 27, 2023 by Dr. Lalit Garg 0

Frequently visits with dentists and how many times they asked about flossing regularly, you did a positive response instead of you haven’t flossed. Moreover three fourth of our Indian population doesn’t floss regularly around 30% don’t floss at all.   Most peoples find it an annoying chore.

Do you know in the absence of flossing gum disease like receding gums, gingivitis develops in an invitation to plaque buildup? Consequently, this may release toxins by bacteria which causes inflammation in the gums. Even though it doesn’t matter what time of day you floss consistently in a day will keep your mouth healthy.

Hate Flossing

What is the Purpose of Flossing?

When you floss, you scrape the sides of your teeth to remove plaque, bacteria, and food particles that can cause tooth decay and gum disease.

In the absence of flossing leads to gum disease like receding gums, gingivitis which is an invitation to plaque build-up. Consequently, this may release toxins by bacteria which leads to inflammation in the gums. Several patients complained about heavier gum bleeding first but the more you floss lesser you bleed. Flossing your gums mechanically stimulated may trigger an inflammation response. Once you work on it you would find there are a lot of advantages the more it will consume time healthier becomes your gums to be.

7 Reasons why Flossing is Important

  1. Prevent Gingivitis: Problems in gums at the initial stages are known as Gingivitis occurs due to the formation of plaque where gums become swollen and frequently prone to bleeding. Properly flossing helps in preventing bleeding gum problems.
  2. Flossing removes 40% of sticky bacteria & Plaque: The tooth comprises 5 surfaces but when we do not properly floss then we may miss these two surfaces which may develop plaque build-up which leads to tooth decay, bad breath, swollen gums, and cavities.
  3. Flossing is good for Oral Health: Flossing is healthier for your body because it may reduce the risk which may relevant to gum health and periodontitis which may reduce the risk of diabetes, stroke heart attacks, rheumatoid arthritis, and other respiratory disease.
  4. Efficient Tool: A question arises why flossing helps in keeping gums & tissues healthy. Whereas flossing is a low cost & efficient tool for healthy mouth prevent tooth decay. Consult with a best dentist in Jaipur regarding flossing in a right way.
  5. Boost a Confident Smile: Spending a couple of minutes on flossing can help you to lead better breath & shiny, more confident smile.
  6. Flossing improves overall Appearance: Flossing can improve the overall appearance of your teeth by removing surface stains caused by food and drink.
  7. Make it a routine: Flossing is more effective when it becomes routine. Try setting a reminder on your phone or incorporating it into your bedtime routine.

Final Words:

Remember that flossing is an essential part of oral hygiene and it helps remove plaque and food particles from areas that toothbrush can’t reach, it also helps to prevent tooth decay and gum disease. By making small changes and incorporating these tips, you can make flossing a more pleasant experience. If you have further queries regarding proper flossing technique then book an appointment with best dental hospital near you. Our team of Jai Jinendra Dental Hospital are always ready to assist patients and provide them guidance to care for oral health. To take consultation with our dentist Dr. Priyanka Garg & Dr. Lalit Garg, you can request us a Call back.

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