In today's era, good oral health is responsible for a beautiful smile, which attracts people around you. Our teeth are the most important element of our body that helps us to eat (food chewing) and speak as well as aids...
As a parent, if your kid uses a pacifier, and sucks his thumb, finger, or favorite object you are often getting worried about their oral health habits and what kind of consequences are produced on their teeth and jaws as...
With the advancement of the latest technology rapid recent growth in the utilization of lasers has transformed almost every industry it's ways yet dentistry is no exception of it. The use of laser in dentistry is a pain-free method, has...
Contrary to the popular belief, baby teeth are extremely important because they can help your child eat, and speak properly and should be cared for just like permanent teeth. Untreated tooth cavities lead to negative consequences on your kid's oral...